Monday, April 8, 2013

WIP update

Quarter 2 update to my WIP list....  What did I actually accomplish over the last few months?!

1.  Megan's quilt - this is technically finished, but it needs to be washed and properly photographed.
done & gifted.  Blogged here

2.  Laura's quilt - again, technically done.  Needs washing and photography - need to find my camera's charger to do this.
done & gifted.  Blogged here

3.  Emily's quilt - this is fairly far away from being finished even though it was meant to be a Christmas present.  It's made using Cut to Piece's Super Mario Quilt Along pattern.  All the blocks are sewn in one direction currently.  I need to trim and iron the seams, then sew the other direction, trim and iron those seams, then sashing, etc.  The back is super secret and hasn't been started yet - I think I'll like the back better than the front!
Not as much progress as I had hoped.  I have a whole lot of ironing ahead of me before I make much progress on this.

4.  Farmer's wife quilt - I started this quilt last January.  I have 80+ blocks completed, 30+ blocks cut out and ready to go.  I will have to redo some of the blocks since my piecing techniques have improved since I first started quilting and the really mismatched points are bothering me.  I'm aiming for 121 blocks to make a king sized quilt.  Then I have to purchase the sashing (I'm planning to use Essex linen in steel), sash all the blocks, find a backing, quilt, and bind.  This quilt by the Quirky Granola Girl is my inspiration.  Gorgeous!
All of the blocks are finished.  Sashing is cut.  Need to sew all the pieces together still.  Blogged here.

5.  Single girl quilt - I started this quilt in September I think.  I finished all of the rings (I paper-pieced them), but stopped there.  I have to purchase the rest of the fabric (I'm thinking Essex linen in natural - can you tell I love Essex linen!), cut all of those curved bits, find the courage to attempt curves, and finish the rest of the quilt up.  This one will also be king size - 20 rings in all - yikes!
No progress.  Though I did make one single girl block for another quilt and it wasn't that hard.  I decided that I want to use low volume prints for the background like this quilt.

6.  Spiderweb quilt - This one is currently just a stack of fabrics.  I'm going to use my Denyse Schmidt chicopee fat quarters for this one.  I have to decide on a color/fabric for the center.  I think I'll take my stack to my favorite quilt shop to try out some color options.  I'm not sure how many spiderweb blocks I can get out of my stack, so I'm not sure how big it will be.  I would love for it to be at least full size, queen would be even better.
No progress.

7.  April baby quilt - a long-time friend is due in April and I have to get started on a quilt for her lovely baby - maybe I could practice my single girl curves and make a small baby quilt?
Finished and gifted, blogged here.

8.  July baby quilt - another really good friend is due in July, so I am planning another quilt for her.  It will involve ducks - that much I do know.
Fabric purchased, plan of attack, no other progress.

9.  Madrona Road EPP quilt - this one is decidedly stalled.  I have all the pieces cut, but lost the interest in piecing a million blocks by hand.  I might get re-energized again.  I think it will need more solids and textures rather than just stars...  I'm not thinking this will get done this year.
Nope, no progress.

10.  Stack of Hope Valley fat quarters - I don't exactly have a good plan for this quilt.  I thought of making the retro flowers quilt (and still might), but I'm not convinced I will love it.  A few thoughts I had were to make it similar to this vintage quilt - I would have to draft the pattern by hand I think but it could be done.  It's certainly beautiful and I think seems appropriate to the Hope Valley Fabrics.  Plus  I love the idea of adding solids to this quilt to increase the contrast.  This one needs more thought & should wait until I finish more of these WIPs.
No progress.

11.  Pile O'Fabric's Block of the Month quilt - currently up-to-date with this quilt after month #1.  Excited for the next installment.  Don't you just love the little houses on the back??!
On track and up-to-date.  See my progress in this flickr set
12.  Wiksten tanks - I have 3 more tanks cut and ready to sew, I have one more fabric that I purchased and one more that I want to purchase to make another.  I really do love these shirts, though I wish I knew how to make them with a cap sleeve, they would be much more versatile (rather than having to wear them with a sweater).
Ugh, no progress.  I'm hoping to finish by vacation in 4 weeks.

13.  Mod mood quit-along - this will be our guild challenge for the next few months.  I have my mood fabrics chosen and am about 1/3 finished with the improv curves.  Then I'll have to sew the beast together.

14.  Another baby quilt - I'll show photos soon, hoping to get it quilted up this week.

I think overall I would say that I'm making progress!  More things crossed off the list than added, that's always a good thing.  I'll keep you posted at the beginning of the next quarter too.

1 comment:

  1. I think you and I might have a similar load of projects on our hands. The WIPs are looking great regardless of how far you have gotten. Your finished work is always amazing. And, lastly, you have impecible taste in fabrics. Keep up the amazing work, but do try to get some sleep and have fun!
